Friday, March 28, 2008

On Your Mark, Get Set, GO!

If you are reading this, in all probability you are one of my friends who I have invited to come participate in the WOMAN challenge put on by US Department of Health. For those of you who don't know - WOMAN stands for Women and girls On the Move Across the Nation. Long name, long acronym. But one thing I have learned is that US government agencies love their acronyms.

The whole point of the challenge is to get people - specifically those of the female species - more active and as a result more healthy. One thing that has hit home to me this year is that you need to treat your body right if you plan on staying on this planet long, so that is my motivation for doing this. I started this year out by starting Weight Watchers for the second time in my life. Of course only attending Weight Watcher meetings or reading their website won't make you healthier. You have to change your life style. And that is a challenge on a good day. Thankfully I have a lot of friends out there who are not only supporting me, but also joining me on this journey. I'm even meeting new people along the way. You guys are all ROCK STARS in my book. I couldn't do it without this support group.

Anyways - it wouldn't be right if I just hogged my Rock Star support group to my self. So I've started this blog for us to share our efforts as we try to find healthier selves. I'm calling it the Sassy Strutters - in honor of the team I am putting together for the WOMAN challenge. If you are interested in joining the Sassy Strutters on the WOMAN challenge, please register at . The challenge starts officially on May 11th. I will post more detailed information about the challenge on this blog as well. Although this challenge is only 8 weeks long - I plan on keeping this blog open as long as people want to read it.

If you would like to be a contributer to this blog - please let me know through the comments section. I promise to read them all and respond to them.

So I hope to see y'all out there!

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