Friday, August 6, 2010

The Hardest Thing to Say

I heartily disagree with Elton John, "Sorry" isn't the hardest thing to say.  Instead, I think its "I'm Awesome". 

I have no problem saying "I'm sorry".  At socceer practice, when I was younger.  I used to say "Sorry" every time I missed a ball when I was practicing with one of the goalies from the guy's team.  He finally stopped throwing the ball at me and said, "Emily, stop saying you're sorry to the ball.  It doesn't care."  Seriously - I could say I'm sorry like 25 times a minute if I had to.

But I have a hard time believing good things about myself.  Today at work, I'm working on a forecast.  I've created the model by myself and it's basically based on common sense.  Last year was the first we used this model and apparently, we came really close to our target.  When my co-worker told me that, I let my mouth hang open and just incrediously said, "Seriously?".  I couldn't believe it because internally I'm thinking that my model is just a bunch of spaghetti that I've thrown against the wall and amazingly some of it is sticking.  Instead of being all "OMG - why is it sticking?", shouldn't I be saying, "Why shouldn't it stick". 

I need to start reframing my thoughts though.  I need to start focusing on my strengths and what I am good at.  And I have a bunch - I'm good at recognizing patterns, I communicate well with kids, I'm a kickass cook and baker, I have fantastic rhythm, and my smile is "intoxicating" as one person recently wrote to me.

I need to start being my own Captain Awesome (although I really do love the original Captain Awesome).

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