Monday, August 2, 2010

The profile

I've had people on me for awhile about how I need to get back on the dating horse.  I'm sure I've spoken about it here.  And I've been reluctant (which is probably too nice of a word).  But for some reason this last week, I decided to sample the waters and put up a profile on a dating website.

And it kind of terrifies me that this profile represents who I am to others and will help them determine whether or not they think they will like me.  And what if my profile attracts the wrong people.  Am I appearing insincere or nervous?  Is that a good picture - does it make me look too fat or too skinny?  Should I even have a picture?  You want your profile to attract people, but you also don't want it to be a creative writing assignment.

I think I need help on this. 

Any volunteers??

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